鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw
陳依純 |
台灣 |
CHEN I-Chun |
Taiwan |
Shui Yuan Lin Legend: First, Second and Third Episodes
2013-14, 3 channels video installation, 15'00" |
陳依純的《林水源傳奇第一、二、三集》,揉合了剪貼簿、動畫、手卷、繪畫的形式,以她的外公林水源的傳奇故事為軸線,讓這位宛若結界師的鄉野人物,融入了當代的晶體影像敘事中。透過家族的口傳,陳依純出土的林水源傳奇故事,交錯出土的其實是自身一度中斷的家族歷史,因此,講著故事的母親、著日殖時期警察服的叔公,以及第二集出現的竹山地區採果實的農家母子,與第三集出現的家族親戚,都在敘說中扮演重要角色。第一集以紅旗公廟與水牛引祖父入道為主題,第二集以法術引回落谷屍身、安撫鄉民悲慟為主題,第三集以勸善戒殺生、施法召來動物靈影像,嚇阻鄉人吃狗肉為主題。陳依純的動畫影像跳脫了運動影像的範疇,在晶體式的環形敘事結構中,讓觀者的身體以幾近觸覺的方式觸及她的家族記憶,具有繁複多彩的陰性特質。 |
CHEN I-Chun's "Shui Yuan Lin Legend: First, Second and Third Episodes" combines the forms of collage, animation, scroll, and painting. Her grandfather Shui Yuan Lin's tales as the storyline, the work incorporates this legendary figure like the fictional character, Kekkaishi, into the crystallized contemporary narratives of images. Told in family from generation to generation, the legends of Shui Yuan Lin are the stories of her own family history that once disappeared, now uncovered by CHEN I-Chun. Therefore, her mother that tells the stories, her granduncle in police uniform of Japanese colonization era, the fruit-picking woman in the second episode, and the family relatives in the third episode all play very important roles in the narrative. The first episode is about Hong Chi Gong Temple (a temple that worships a red flag deity) and a buffalo that conducted her grandfather to gods. The second episode is about Lin summoning the dead boy that fell into the abyss and soothing the sorrow of villagers. As for the third episode, it encourages virtues and mercy on living being, which tells a story of Lin summoning the spirits of animals to scare off the dog-eaters in the village. The animation of CHEN's, beyond the realm of motion pictures, allows audience to almost physically "touch" her family memory via the structure of crystallized scrolling narrative, which carries a colorful sense of femininity. |